Welcoming newness.
In the past few weeks, I've experienced unsettling newness. New people. New house. New country. New culture. New friends. I guess, we as humans are wired to believe that any newness makes you feel unsettled and slightly all over the place. We think that stepping out of our comfort zone is going to land us in an uncomfortable situation. We think 'building a life' takes time. I believe that the human mind tricks us into thinking these things. Somehow when I got to Chicago, I didn't feel unsettled. Didn't feel alone. Only felt excitement. Sometimes, the idea of 'adapting' to a new place and new situations is actually easier than it seems. Yes, I said easier. You might disagree. Say that to yourself again. Its only the fear in your mind that makes it seem harder. What I'm trying to say is, newness doesn't take time to become old. Newness doesn't take time to become old. Newness doesn't take time to become old. Newness can...