Welcoming newness.

In the past few weeks, I've experienced unsettling newness. New people. New house. New country. New culture. New friends.
I guess, we as humans are wired to believe that any newness makes you feel unsettled and slightly all over the place. We think that stepping out of our comfort zone is going to land us in an uncomfortable situation. We think 'building a life' takes time. I believe that the human mind tricks us into thinking these things. 

Somehow when I got to Chicago, I didn't feel unsettled. Didn't feel alone. Only felt excitement. 
Sometimes, the idea of 'adapting' to a new place and new situations is actually easier than it seems. Yes, I said easier. You might disagree. Say that to yourself again. Its only the fear in your mind that makes it seem harder. 
What I'm trying to say is, newness doesn't take time to become old.

Newness doesn't take time to become old.
Newness doesn't take time to become old.

Newness can become old and comfortable in a second, only if you want it to.
Let me give you an example. This happened many years ago, I was incredibly awkward and uncomfortable the first time I visited Subway. I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing, I was not used to choosing my own bread from six different varieties, choosing my veggies, which patty I wanted, which cheese I wanted and how would I know which sauce should go in my sandwich? Hah. This might sound extremely stupid, but it was a lot of newness for me in one go. I was uncomfortable the first time I went there, but I kept asking numerous questions and then figured out which sandwich I wanted. VICTORY prevailed. Hah. The next time I went there, I knew exactly what I wanted and how to get what I wanted. It wasn't a new situation. Newness didn't take time to become old.

Adapting to a restaurant, is the same as adapting to a new country, you ask around and find out how things work. Don't over-complicate it. Don't over-think it. And you will figure it out. Sometimes, our mind plays games with us. If you're stuck in limbo, a limbo that is cozy and comfortable, sometimes, think about having the courage to step out of it. The world really isn't as bad as it seems. Don't lose faith in other people, and more than that, yourself. Have faith that the newness will seem old to you in a second, and it will take you to a place you've never been before and that you will be able to adapt to whatever comes your way. 
Let the newness enrich your mind, with new experiences and new faith and beliefs and help build a soul that is as good as new :)

Don't be afraid to step out. After the first time, you'll know exactly what to do.

Here's a photo of a new place I found, while walking around in a new country, around my new house, around my new college, with a new roommate in new freezing climate. 
This place seems like home now. I know where to find the lake, if I want to go.
Hopefully I will be able to discover more newness in the times to come, and make more places my home :)


  1. I know exactly what you mean. Welcome! And also get in touch soon!!

  2. I'm glad you do :)

    Facebook message me your number.

    Will get in touch :)


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