
Showing posts from February, 2022

Golden Treasure

  Far away in a deeper reality There is an endless golden treasure  I cannot hold it but only feel the bliss of it  The bliss travels like invisible waves Waves that cannot be touched or held but only felt Waves that carry immense strength that make the impossible possible Unknown when this treasure will be shown to me  I had forgotten it even existed  The secret to unlock the map to the treasure is simple - just a clear little heart  Oh but how hard it is to remove the heaviness in the heart  Anyone can find the map to the treasure as long as the heart remains light  I lose the map from time to time  And find it in glimpses when the pure heart shows me the map again One day I hope I can swim in this infinite ocean of gold  So I can soak the treasure in the essence of my consciousness  Ah but that seems so far away  One day at a time I strive to keep my heart pure  The purity will carve a clear path in the map  One ...