
This blog is about incidentally getting introduced to things that you never thought you would do.

Here's a story.
I wouldn't say I'm an artistic person, not at all, but I do believe that each one of us, has a bit of creativity that we all have the potential to express. And then all of a sudden, here I was; I started clicking pictures. As a heads up, I'm not even a good photographer. But I do enjoy the experience of clicking photos.
I started noticing patterns I'd never noticed before.  I did not realize how important clicking a moment had become to me. So much so, that when I was in Chicago the other day, felt like-20 degrees celcius and I could see a frame, a beautiful pattern of buildings before me, and I had to capture it. In madness, I took my gloves off, and in freezing weather, with numb fingertips, I clicked away.
I had to share the experience I had just seen, symmetry, asymmetry, perfection, flaws, everything.
And weirdly, I had ZERO passion for seeing 'patterns' earlier. I found photos very mundane.
But I've come to realize, photos are one of the only things you leave behind. Just like when you write, you've expressed yourself in something that is a lot more tangible, than just existing. Rather than just thinking a thought, by clicking a photo, or by writing about it, I make it more tangible, a memory I can go back to whenever I wish to. It's almost like freezing a moment in time, isn't it?
Your mind can go back to that memory whenever you want it to, and a photo is an excellent medium to get to that moment in time.
I never thought I would enjoy the experience of clicking photos this much. Passion is indeed contagious. I have this amazing photographer friend, who can see patterns where not many people can. I didn't get it at first, but I've come to learn from her, without her even teaching me, just by watching her and being with her, she made me see patterns, I never thought I would see. She goes by the name of The Storyteller. And she can capture moments in time in the most beautiful way possible, just as they happen. I've come to realize from her, that photography is more about capturing feelings than visuals. This is my way to say thank you to all the people I've met and who have taught me new things, or made me try new things. Be it trying to tell me how to make a thanksgiving turkey or my sister teaching me how to ride a bike, even when I was a tantrum throwing learner. Thank you for bearing with me! Haha! :)

On another note, I wish I can keep clicking away, in my own imperfect way and capture little things around me through whichever way I can.

I really need to stop rambling now.
Will leave you with some photographs I've clicked recently.
Hope to keep trying new things throughout :)


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