How science helps build a culture of truth

One of the main reasons I am passionate about science (specifically physics) is because it brings me closer to the objective truth (or I think it does). Science is my obsessive curiosity, be it geeking out on "Physics girl" on YouTube or constantly trying to drill down on Einstein's relativity during my shower, I'm usually science-ing and asking questions when I get a little time to myself. If I'm being honest, I get very little time to myself nowadays, but whenever I do, I spend it trying to understand the world around me through science. Although, I'm not a science graduate, I am a passionate student of science. My love for science was something I only discovered about myself in my early/mid 20s. I was reading a philosophy book which talked about science and proof. Next thing I knew, there I was watching Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Netflix. So clearly I'm not the real deal PhD in physics nerd (wish I was though), but I'm curious.

I was mindlessly scrolling through my Twitter feed today, I saw this tweet from Neil DeGrasse Tyson (astrophysicist), "If pundits tell you something is true, and you don't have the critical thinking skills to evaluate their statements, then you are putty in their hands, as they shape your world view to their will."

Next time you hear a politician promise you the world, critically think about it and challenge it. Is it really possible to solve poverty in 5 years based on one person's promise? The reality we live in is more complex than most people make it sound. Keep facts close to you. Especially in a world, where powerful people can now lie about things and get away with it, some people even take it for the truth. A sad example is some people's belief that climate change doesn't exist. In the United States, this has become a political issue, when it should never be, it's a scientific fact. Why should science - the objective truth get muddled in dirty politics? This is the sad reality of where we are today. How is this progress? In some ways, lies have become the truth for some sections of society which is leading to a certain degradation in critical thinking and belief in science. Doesn't progress in society seek the objective, untouched, unbiased truth in every situation? The truth is getting harder to see, especially with personalized Facebook feeds and politically motivated media.

The power is in our hands to uphold truth and science and to never give up on the search for the objective truth. Next time someone tells you something, things like climate change doesn't exist, or a certain race/religion is more superior than another, challenge it. Speak up. Don't just take it at face value. Help develop a culture of truth for the world and use science as your superpower.


  1. I appreciate and acknowledge your self analysis as a science student 👩‍🎓 originally ! And above all your skill in narrating it is superb ! Keep it up and all the best !😊👌👍✌️🙏🍧🍧


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