Are we all astronauts already?

When I was young, I had a book on the solar system that explained concepts of outer space - the joy I felt looking through the pictures and reading all about the stars and planets as a young child! It was thrilling. Ever since then, I wanted to go to Outer Space until I experienced 2020. Ah 2020 - I'll get to that year in a bit. Separately, I also recently watched this film - This is Mars - compiled from NASA's Perseverance Rover on Mars. In the film, Mars looks just like some parts of the Earth. So if it is all just the same, why do I want to go Space? Isn't Space on Earth too? Am I not in Space already? I'm already on the third planet revolving around the brightest star in our Solar System. Then why am I so charmed with the idea of visiting Outer Space when Space is right here on Earth?! To add to that, I already throw around space a bunch in my daily life - 

"I need some space."

"I want to go to Space!"

"I hit space to see a space between words in Microsoft Word."

"This place is massive, SO much more space."

So many different contexts I use the word space in my daily life. Yet they all root to the same definition, 'the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move.'

Space travel may or may not become safe and possible in my lifetime. Irrespective though, no matter which planet I go, my values, my mind and my body go with me. Just going to a different planet isn't going to change me necessarily I don't think? I'm already living in this limitless Space of this insane creation we are all a part of. 

Now let me imagine what living in Outer Space could possibly be like, from a pessimistic view point -  Being isolated, eat the same food everyday, barely meet any people, live under the fear that your life is under threat from the craziness that's out there, ensure you can breathe clean air that will not kill you. Realistically though, wasn't that 2020?! Did I get to experience what Space could be like by living in 2020? Maybe? Irrespective though, I live in this space on Earth. I do not have to feel the thrill to physically go to another planet to have the experiences I might have on another planet - because ultimately it all comes to one thing - who am I? How can I manifest in this space? What do I do in this time and space I have been given? If I am lucky enough to travel to Outer Space with my loved ones, I absolutely would love to. But I need to remind myself - Space is here too. Earth is thrilling too and probably a planet that makes me waaaay happier than any other planets in the Solar System aka I am already in Space - but its so easy to forget. 

So maybe - we are all astronauts already. We are Earth-Astronauts and explorers of the space time continuum here. Maybe writing this blog was just a twisted way for me to feel like I fulfilled my life long dream without actually fulfilling it - I'm an Astronaut and so are you.


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