What If Science & Religion Shook Hands?

There is a certain innocence and optimism in thinking that Science has all the answers. We live in 2021 how can it not?! There is such beautiful naivety in that belief. Nowadays, many of us are conditioned to be evidence based and we should be thankful to our education system for that. Generally, we don't make decisions in life without data backing it. At work or at home we make well-researched decisions backed by data and evidence, and when we do not have enough data, we generate forecasting data models and hypotheses to answer the questions using the power of the mind. To the ancient humans, when they saw the Solar Eclipse, they didn't have the scientific explanation behind it - so they had other hypotheses - wild ideas. As humans in 2021, of course we know why the solar eclipse happens, we know the science behind it. So for all the things we do not know, one could draw the conclusion that all the things we do not know or do not understand are just scientific evidence waiting to be discovered. There is science behind everything. Maybe science has an explanation to everything, it is a treasure waiting to be discovered. The problem with that school of that thought is - the treasure hunt of discoveries will never end for Science. Science cannot win against the universe, because the universe will always be bigger than the Science. The job of Science is to persevere, to not give up. Science knows that infinite problems will get thrown at it. That even if it discovers millions of answers there are billions of more answers to be found and that cycle is never ending. 

And just at the point where frustration hits against the unending challenges thrown at Science, that is where religion enters. Religion interpreted correctly and morally accepts the Infinite and bows down to it and worships it. This provides purpose to every failure and victory in scientific research. Religion humbles the intelligent mind that thinks all the answers can be had with Science.

When Science is discovered by the mind with religion in the heart (they are married together) - oh how satisfying the combination seems even for a millennial mind. So who told you religion and Science are at loggerheads with each other?! There is such beauty in them co-existing and that is the beauty that will give humans a joy they have never found. I never thought my millennial mind would marry Science and Religion together, but what a joy it is to have a questioning, curious mind and a loving unconditional heart filled with reverence for the Infinite. What a powerful combination. The thought of this marriage is not new and not owned by me - ancient Vedic texts have already revealed this marriage and I was lucky enough to imagine it through teaching. What a beautiful adventure we are all witnessing - this marriage between Science and Religion, cannot wait to see them grow old together and continue to discover, love and challenge each other through the Infinite circle of life. If marriage seems like a stretch, maybe they shake hands with each other and bow down in reverence to the Infinite together.


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