
Let Her In.

You wait and wait, For the magic to unfold. Until one day, She comes. Knocking on your door. Will you let Her in? Since lifetimes, The moment you have been waiting for, Finally arrives. But alas! Selfish fear fills the heart. What will Mother change? Can we let go of our belongings?  To make space, For Mother's belongings? How selfish! The heart is not ready to let go. And so the knock is unanswered. Patiently She now waits, For the fear to leave the heart. She waits and waits, Thousands of years, Knocking on the door, Again and again, And yet, The noise of the fear, In the Heart, Hides the sound of Her knock, And by accident, Our own Mother waits at the door to be let in. She patiently bears it all. Until one day. She decides, Enough is enough. Wields her power, And destroys the door of fear. She is Our Mother after all! She is Home! And in comes the light of a thousand suns, And removes darkness, The spider webs of pain and fear, Are cleaned by her broom. She nourishes, And slowl


Conjoined and bound by love, We are forever intertwined. My folly is that I forget.  Whether I’m aware or not, I am forever embedded, I am you  And  You are me.  Now I pray, That I never forget, So I live in the wisdom of, Knowing that I am,  Bound by a love that sets me free, I am so immersed, embedded, That I am finally free.  We are impossible to separate,  We merge, conjoined,  With no boundaries of spacetime.  Only sometimes I realize, I am you  And  You are me.  Why does this last for just a fleeting moment,  Can the wisdom sit in my heart, So I never lose it? 

The glaring screaming unreal.

I see a shining, piercing light, Screaming into my eyes, The diversity of things, Loudly announcing its existence. Telling me that what I see is fundamental, There is nothing beyond, I believed it all this time, Until I didn’t.   Just how can it be that what seems real to the eyes is actually unreal?  I used a microscope, And found an internal cosmos, All within.  And instead saw what I had never seen, With eyes closed.  How could it be?!  Empty vessels make the most noise, I now understand,  The light that is screaming, Is empty, And the light that is subtle,  Hidden and typically out of focus,  Is brimming with bliss, One reality illumining everything, I find an internal cosmos, With the power of silence and focus I find it, The all illumining, With no beginning and no end, Alive and conscious, Brimming with pure love, I swim in it, And find bliss in just being the light, Bliss in just being. 

Hidden Treasures.

I searched and searched for treasures outside, To satisfy the endless, I did not know, That deep within me, I already had gold hidden,  Waiting to be found. Until I met a powerful heart, Who had found infinite treasures, All within.  And taught me to believe, Gave me strength, And self belief, And cleared the noise. He showed me a map, To a gold deep within. So now I venture inward, On my adventure, Discarding the senses, To the beautiful inner treasures that await me. Where there is no beginning, And no end. I wait patiently till I find it. The magic of the heart invigorates my soul, I wait and wait, Patiently for the magic to unfold, And trust Him to guide me, To the blossoming treasures in my own Heart.

Let me love like You love

Living, breathing in skin and bones.   Can we love beyond what we touch, feel, hear, see?  Let me love like You love  A task so easy yet so hard  Having tasted love beyond the 3 dimensions in the opportunity of darkness You removed all the darkness at once  And filled it with dramatic light in an instant  Your love is beyond time, space and expectation.  Let me love like You love?  A task so easy yet so hard  This isn’t any magic  Neither is it creative imagination Or a work of fiction  But an experience in the opportunity of darkness  Just an ode to how much I don’t know  Let me love like You love?  (A poem inspired by an ancient Indian text — Narada Bhakti Sutra)

The Ocean Beyond Time & Space

There is an ocean above us That equalizes everything  And the purest of forms guide us towards this equalizing ocean Can I lend my hand to Him? So He pulls me in the Ocean upwards? The Ocean He points me towards lies beyond all emotions and the conflicts of right and wrong  The Ocean is beyond all dimensions we know and don't know Beyond even life and death All He asks is to hold His hand so I can swim in it too He is the source of the Ocean All the great ones are there and continue to guide us there beyond the dimensions of time They see and experience an Ocean of reality beyond time & space and have jumped right in it Can we see the Ocean and jump in it too?  With a little help from these pure beings - Yes we can.

Golden Treasure

  Far away in a deeper reality There is an endless golden treasure  I cannot hold it but only feel the bliss of it  The bliss travels like invisible waves Waves that cannot be touched or held but only felt Waves that carry immense strength that make the impossible possible Unknown when this treasure will be shown to me  I had forgotten it even existed  The secret to unlock the map to the treasure is simple - just a clear little heart  Oh but how hard it is to remove the heaviness in the heart  Anyone can find the map to the treasure as long as the heart remains light  I lose the map from time to time  And find it in glimpses when the pure heart shows me the map again One day I hope I can swim in this infinite ocean of gold  So I can soak the treasure in the essence of my consciousness  Ah but that seems so far away  One day at a time I strive to keep my heart pure  The purity will carve a clear path in the map  One day I will soak it in And never lose it again.